Bird Dump
Bird Dump is the perfect mobile app for downloading Twitter tweets, images, videos and more. It can export tweets, hashtags, followers, and more into various formats such as CSV and JSON. Sharing data and media files with others is as easy as a click.
Development and updates are discontinued for this version.
Download Tweets
Bird Dump can download up to 3,500 (limited by Twtitter) of the most recent tweets for any profile on Twitter. You can navigate your following or follower list or your timeline to find a profile and start downloading.

Download Images and Videos
Bird Dump can extract all images and videos from tweets and download them to your mobile device. You can browse the downloaded media at any time with the thumbnail viewer or the full screen slideshow.
Extract Hashtags and URLs
Bird Dump can extract all hashtags and URLs from tweets so that you can export them for your data analysis and reporting needs. Stay ahead of the competition by monitoring hashtags. Get the latest file links by monitoring URL links.

Download Followers and Following
Bird Dump can download the full list of profiles that follow any user and the profiles that are followed by that user. This can be useful if you want to see who people follow and who they follow back.
Export Data
Bird Dump can export all tweets, hashtags and URLs that are embedded inside of tweets. Additionally, it can export the profile details of any user that is following or is followed by any particular user. Utilize this information for reports and research. Utilize this information to take advantage and rise above your competition.

Share Media and Exported Data
Bird Dump can share all downloaded and export files with your favorite cloud storage apps, social media apps, and more. Share your files with others using Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, Google Drive, Dropbox, and more.
- Download up to 3,500 tweets per profile
- Download images and videos from tweets
- Download followers and following of any profile
- Extract hashtags and urls from tweets
- Export tweets and extracted data to CSV or JSON
- Save media files to cloud storage
- Twitter limits access to data in 15 minute time slots which is called rate limiting.
- Twitter limits the maximum number of tweets you can access to 3,500 tweets per profile.
- Twitter restricts access to older tweets and some may not download.